Overcoming Rejections

The specific strategies to overcome the many different grounds for rejection vary. One good place to start can be to call and speak with the examiner that issued the Office Action against your application. Sometimes minor issues can even be resolved this way. Even if they cannot be solved with a phone call, hopefully the examiner can give you a better sense as to what the issues are and how to proceed. Many applicants elect to hire a licensed attorneys specializing in intellectual property. The issues contained in Office Actions generally require attention to specific details and instructions pertinent to the application itself (procedural issues) or a thoughtful well-crafted response to issues with the mark itself (substantive). In either case having an experienced private attorney review your Office Action and file your response can help prevent future issues and delays. Do not risk losing your trademark by trying to respond when you do not understand the issues or what the examiner is looking for.

This blog is not legal advice and is not specific to your application. You should always consult an attorney.